Minggu, 29 Mei 2016

COOKING TIPS mashed potatoes

The mashed potatoes were delicious and tender is a loyal partner serving delicious steaks. The mashed potatoes are also suitable for you to eat food that is soft but bored with porridge. While it may seem simple, but the mashed potatoes were processed in a way that one would be like a lump of potatoes by glue, because the starch in potatoes can make the potatoes so sticking and clumping. So how to make perfect mashed potatoes?

Basically you just need potatoes, butter, cream or milk, and salt to make mashed potatoes. But because the ingredients are not too diverse that you should be able to process the mashed potatoes with the right in order to taste good. Try some tips to cook mashed potatoes the following:

1. Warm milk or cream that you use before mixing it with mashed potatoes.

2. Mix the butter with mashed potatoes before you put the cream or milk. The addition of more butter than cream or milk used to make starch in potatoes coated by the butter, so that the potatoes become softer.

3. If you use salted butter, be careful when you spice up your mashed potatoes with salt. Therefore, we recommend that you use the alias unsalted butter without salt so as not keasinan mashed potatoes.

4. Do not use a blender or food processor to smooth your mashed potatoes, because mashed potatoes that you will get will be textured like glue. Blend the mashed potatoes with a fork or other user equipment.

5. You do not need to peel or cut potatoes when boiling or steaming potatoes. The potatoes were not cut or peel will absorb less water, so it does not become watery mashed potatoes and potatoes more easily absorb the cream or milk. But do not forget to wash and peel the potatoes before the process before the mashed potatoes while hot.

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